The Context Lab is focussed on human-centred research into language use in a range of communicative contexts, and the effects of context on human and model production and comprehension behaviour. Our multidisciplinary collaborations conduct fundamental research, aiming to explore, evaluate and extend current models of language. Making use of computational models of language and natural language processing techniques, informed by approaches from psycholinguistics and cognitive science, we aim to better understand, model and extract insights from human communicative language use. Key contexts we conduct research within are in dialogue (conversational or goal oriented), education, and creative communication.
- September 24: Very happy to welcome Irina and Jin as new interdisciplinary PhD students! They will be based in Psychology (Irina) and Linguistics (Jin), welcome to the lab 🤗
- June 24: Our follow-up work investigating Human-like Structural Priming effects in Language Models has been accepted to ACL Findings 2024! 🌟
- May 24: Very happy to welcome Giulia as a new PhD student! She will be exploring properties of adaptive generation in Langauge Models 🤩
- February 24: Our paper on efficient and effective repetition in dialogue will appear in LREC-COLING 2024! 🥳 Looking forward to going to Torino, Italy 🇮🇹
- September 23: 🥳 First Lab paper accepted at CoNLL!! Very proud of this collaboration 🌟
- August 23: We are recruiting! Open Fully funded Phd Position to join the lab, working towards contextually appropriate, audience-aware and adaptive natural language generation. Deadline 4th November, see advert for more details, or get in contact 🤗